Most Likely to Succeed: Big Bang Theory
I'm going with the big guns first. This show completely aced the often cursed sophomore season. It keeps getting funnier. The finale was hilarious with the boys ending up on the North Pole for the summer. What I would give to be a frozen fly on that wall for the next three months. And I liked how the Leonard/Penny story was sweet, but didn't hit you over the head.

Favorite line: “I’m a Hindu. My religion teaches that if we suffer in this life we are rewarded in the next. Three months in the North Pole with Sheldon and I'm reborn as a well hung billionaire with wings.” (Raj)
Most Athletic: Chuck
My affection for Chuck is no secret, so this finale was in the running for many categories. I went with Most Athletic for Chuck's surprise ninja skills at the end - the highlight of the finale for me, which set up some really cool possibilities for next season (please). Let's not forget Casey and his boys careening in through the glass roof, and Sarah kicking ass in a bridesmaid dress. They are the ultimate varsity team. Someone make them matching jackets.
School Spirit Award: The Office
There were some up and down moments for the Scranton branch this season. A scary new boss, competition from Michael Scott Paper Company, and an inappropriate bubble dress brought dissention in the ranks. All was forgiven at the company picnic though when they rallied together to beat corporate in a vicious volleyball tournament - that was some serious Scranton pride. And how about Michael and Holly's skit? They are the same person - too cute. Don't even get me started on baby Jim.
Class Couple: Izzie and George, Grey's Anatomy
Ok, don't hate me for this, but George just seemed like a better choice than Alex for this award. I hope Alex will still sign my yearbook. I don't want them to be together, but the finale (though tragically awful for both) was a nice nod to these two characters, whose bond (sorely ignored as of late) has been central to this show from the beginning. The scene with George showing Izzie that deep down, she had already chosen to have the surgery - that was the T.R. we all know and love. This is one of those times when I wish the Internet wasn't around so I didn't already know about the rumors of Katherine and T.R. leaving the show. But that final scene with the prom dress and the army uniform was a great tribute to Izzie and George.
Best Dressed: Bones
I'm still digesting the Bones finale. For those of you who don't watch it (and you should), the finale was a dream sequence/mystery novel plot where all the characters played other versions of themselves. At first I was annoyed we weren't seeing the "real" crew in the finale. But the more I think about it, the more I realize how much was revealed about the characters through this alternate universe. The Best Dressed award is because the "alternate reality" wardrobes were all really cool, especially Brennan's yellow skirt and Nigel's ensemble. They all just looked more vibrant (like a dream, I guess), and it was nice to see them out of the Jeffersonian smocks.
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