You may remember the Weinsteins sold Project Runway to Lifetime (I know, what?) last April for $200 million for five seasons. Brave/NBC sued for breach of contract clai
ming they were not offered the right of first refusal (a chance to submit a counter-bid before it was sold). Then, Lifetime entered the ring with it's own lawsuit, one that I don't quite understand.

The Post article explains the situation well, but sufficed to say, we are at the mercy of the New York court system with no end in sight, and the finalist designers had to hide back stage for anonymous fashion shows in New York this week, so the ending wouldn't be leaked in the case that this seas
on (the first to be set in LA) ever sees the light of day. How sad.

I guess business is business, but this all seems a little greedy to me. I never liked that Harvey Weinstein - does he even have anything else to fall back on? And Bravo did make Project Runway their "brand," as many other shows mimic the format. They would be lost without it. And personally, I don't think Angela Lansbury needs a party dress fashioned from a ficus plant on Lifetime.
Anyway, here are my top 10 favorite Runway designers just for fun. I'm guilty of loving the obvious ones - not necessarily the winners, but the most flamboyant and/or endearing.
In no particular order...
- Austin Scarlett (Season 1) There's a man who owns his style
- Daniel Vosovic (Season 2) Just cute and talented.
- Robert Best (Season 3) LOVED HIM
- Kayne Gillaspie (Season 3) LOVED HIM TOO
- Christian Siriano (Season 4) I know, I can't help it.
- Chris March (Season 4) Please be my friend.
- Jack Mackenroth (Season 4) Wish we could have seen more...
- Jerell Scott (Season 5) Sunshine and happiness.
- Stella Zotis (Season 5) Badass.
- Kelli Martin (Season 5) Not as well known, but I just liked her style.

OMG - will this please ever be resolved?! I am dying for more PR!
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