However, I'm choosing to ignore all of that and just love Glee for Glee. The season finale was so fun for many reasons, including:

- Journey. I mean, come on. What better way to end the season than with a giant cheeseball tribute to a cheeseball band? Don't Stop started it all. I cried.
- Kurt's sailor hat.
- Finn blurting out "I love you!" to Rachel before their performance. Such a teenage boy.
- The girls' competition costumes. And Artie's competition hair. So dapper.
- In the judges' room, when Sue realizes she cares about those kids.
- Sue likening Will's hair to a briarpatch with racist Disney characters singing about the bayou.
- Emma screaming at Figgins for cutting glee (although I thought Will's subsequent love profession was a little out-of-left-field)
- Sue wanting hand sanitizer after shaking Will's hand so she doesn't "catch poor"
- Everything about Jonathan Groff. Damn, that boy can perform.
What do we think about Ausiello's scoop about John Stamos being cast as Emma's dentist boyfriend? Weird, but I kind of love it.
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