Will & Grace creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick will executive produce and supervise the writing for the multicamera family comedy. Halpern and Patrick Schumacker will co-write and also co-executive produce. Halpern and Schumacker will also co-exec produce. Obviously, they'll have to change the name if the show gets on the air.
Who would you cast as Dad? I can't help picturing the dad from Wonder Years.
Here are some of my favorite tweets:
"Love this Mrs. Dash. The bitch can make spices... Jesus, Joni (my mom) it's a joke. I was making a joke! Mrs. Dash isn't even real dammit!"
"Why would i want to check a voicemail on my cell phone? People want to talk to me, call again. If i want to talk to you, I'll answer."
"My flight lands at 9:30 on Sunday...You want to watch what? What the fuck is mad men? I'm a mad man if you don't pick me the hell up."
"You're like a tornado of bullshit right now. We'll talk again after your bullshit dies out over someone else's house."
"If mom calls, tell her I'm shitting... Son, marriage is about not having to lie about taking a shit."
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