November 4, 2008

news alert: dr. hahn is dunzo

Brooke Smith, who plays Dr. Erica Hahn on Grey's Anatomy, is parting ways with the show. And it's not pretty. Apparently, the network is unhappy with the explicit nature of the recent lesbian plotline and the character itself. Smith was fired with no warning.

As a long time Grey's fan, I know the show is struggling, but this story arc has been very well-written. They were treating a gay relationship just like a straight one. No big scandal or political statement, just two people trying to figure out if they're attracted to one another. Sure, Callie going to Mark for pointers about "undiscovered territory" was a little much, but the fact is, this was much more mild then many of the sexual themes that we've seen on this show. Alex McSlutty and Mark McSteamy are allowed to sleep around with every nurse and intern in the hospital, but a lesbian relationship is giving the network "cold feet"? Disappointing.

Dr. Hahn's last episode is actually this Thursday. They're not even writing her out - they just cut the character (proves this wasn't a plot-driven decision). After she gave this amazing monologue last week:


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